13A Windsor Ave, Mt Waverley Vic 3149 咨询电话:9888 1688
- 学生注册:
- 凡报读我校的学生均需填写一份学生信息表,学校会将相关信息提交给维州教育部。
- 注册成功并付清注册费及学费后,学生可以进入教室上课。
- 学生在校就读期间所需教材、课本由学校免费发放(遗失自补)。
- 优惠举措:
- 2019年12月24日前付清2020年全年费用的学生享受特别优惠(详见具体课程收费标准);
- 同一家庭从第三个孩子起交付全年学费享受学费50%优惠(仅收一次注册费);
- 凡澳大利亚家庭领养的中国孩子,普通中文部学习期间学费全免(仅收一次注册费);
- 本校现任教师子女交付全年学费享受学费50%优惠(仅收一次注册费);
- 退休教师子女交付全年学费享受学费30%优惠(仅收一次注册费);
- 本校毕业学生(凭毕业证书证明)子女交付全年学费享受30%优惠(仅收一次注册费);
- 早教班学生学费全免,每半年仅收一次注册费;
- 优惠不可重复享受。
3, 退学需知:
- 已注册学生在报读该半学年的前三周申请退学,可办理退费。
- 学生退费将扣除手续费$20及已读前三周学费,注册费一律不退。特殊情况,请与校长协商处理。
- 退费申请以书面通知形式(同时附上缴费凭证)提交校长,经审核批准后,如无疑议,学校财务部门会在10个工作日内寄出支票。
电子邮箱:[email protected]
咨询电话:0415 639 198(丁校长)
家长可用信用卡、银行卡、银联卡或支票付费:用银行卡付款不收取任何费用,用信用卡付款将会有1.5%的信用卡公司费用(不接受America Express卡),用支票付款请写“Eastern Chinese Language School”。我校暂时无法处理网上转账付费,且尽可能避免现金支付;
如邮寄支票付费。请参照招生简章内的收费标准,填妥支票(请写: Eastern Chinese Language School),连同“学生信息表”(https://eclschool.vic.edu.au/download/)一起,邮寄至:Eastern Chinese Language School, PO Box 5042, Pinewood Vic 3149;
2020 Enrollment Notice
Dear parents,
The enrollment for 2020 is open from 16th November 2019. Please be aware:
a) In 2020, there will be morning Chinese classes and afternoon Chinese classes available. For Prep and Year 1-3 classes, the full-day class is as follows: 3 Chinese classes in the morning and 3 afternoon classes including maths, drawing and Chinese culture/arts finishing at 4pm.
b) Payments can be made by cheque, debit card, credit card or UNIPAY (conditions apply). Online transfer is not available and cash payment is not encouraged;
c) The tuition fees can be paid in three categories: Half-year, Full-year and Early Bird. The 2020 tuition fees for Prep to Year 9 remain the same as those in 2019 while the fees for VCE Program is adjusted slightly; c) Benefits would be available for advanced full-year payments by 24 December 2019 (please refer to the 2020 Admission Guide https://eclschool.vic.edu.au/download/). Please be advised the following information for your reference:
- Time and Venue
Saturdays: The Chinese Office (9AM –4PM). The enrollment is open from 16th Nov to 7th Dec.
Mon-Fri & School Holidays: Xin Jin Shan Chinese Library (9AM—5PM) (Phone: 9888 1688)
13A Windsor Ave, Mt Waverley Vic 3149 (Closed 25th Dec 2019 – 12th Jan 2020)
- Admission Process:
- Student Registration
All enrolling students are required to fill in the Student Information Form which would be submitted to the Department of Education and Training by the school.
After paying tuition and registration fee, students are allowed access to classrooms.
The school provides free textbooks for enrolled students (additional fee will apply if original copies are lost).
- Discount Policies
- Discounts apply for students who paid off full-year tuition fees by December 24th, 2019. (Please refer to 2020 Admission Guide)
- The third enrolled child of a family receives 50% discount of tuition fee (plus registration fee to be paid once) if paid off full-year.
- All Chinese-origin children adopted by Australian families are exempted from paying tuition fee. Only registration fee needs to be paid.
- Children of ECLS current teachers receive 50% discount of tuition fee (plus registration fee to be paid once) if paid off full-year.
- Children of ECLS retired teachers receive 30% discount of tuition fee (plus registration fee to be paid once).
- Children of ECLS alumni receive 30% discount of tuition fee (plus registration fee to be paid once) (Graduate Certificate required).
- Early-learning is tuition-free. Only registration fee needs to be paid per semester.
- Discount applies ONCE only.
- Refund Policies
If enrolled and paid students need to drop out the semester, refund can be made within the first three weeks of Term 1 for Semester 1 or the first three weeks of Term 3 for Semester 2.
A processing fee of $20 and the tuition fee of the weeks taken will be deducted from the refund payment. Registration fee is not refundable at any time. Refund issues are to be resolved with the principal of the school.
All refund application must be submitted in written forms (with a copy of payment receipt) either by post or through email to the responsible campus manager. Once the relevant information is confirmed, the cheque of refund payment would be sent out within 10 business days after the application.
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Phone: 0415 639 198 (Cindy Ding)
- Methods of payment:
Payments can be made by cheque, debit card, credit card or UNIPAY (conditions apply).
If you pay by cheque, please include your cheque (payable to: Eastern Chinese Language School) and the completed Student Enrollment Form (can be downloaded from https://eclschool.vic.edu.au/download/) in an envelope and post it to: PO Box 5042, Pinewood Vic 3149. Online bank transfer is currently not available and please also try not paying by cash.
If you pay by debit card, no surcharge applies. If you pay by credit card or UNIPAY (America Express is not acceptable), 1.5% surcharge applies.
Our school is now encouraging parents to support the victims of NSW and QLD bushfires. Donation box will be available on campus in the following weeks and all the donation would be calculated and sent to the state office of Victoria of Salvation Army on the last day of Term 4.
Yours sincerely,
Eastern Chinese Language School Inc.